How To Get A LISS / CSCS Green Card


LISS/CSCS is both a standalone scheme and a mandatory requirement of the National Highways Sector Scheme 18 (Land-based) recognised by Build UK. It is designed to support the development of an industry framework for skills development and progression in the workplace alongside CSCS.  This is achieved through a SmartCard scheme.

Our ROLO Certificate (online or face-to-face), is a prerequisite to obtaining a LISS CSCS card.  Once the ROLO certificate and the CITB health & safety test for a CSCS card have been achieved, they can be used to apply for a LISS CSCS card in your particular land based sector. Including but not limited to:  

  • Construction & Maintenance 
  • Ecology and Environmental Management 
  • Arboriculture
  • Countryside Management

The British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) administer LISS CSCS card applications.  You are in the land based sector.  Don't make the mistake of applying for the wrong card through the CITB.

BALI - Apply for LISS CSCS Card

This is a quick link taking you to the card application page on the site. 

You will need to upload a minimum of:

  1. *ROLO Certificate
  2. *CITB "pass" document
  3. Passport "style photo

Note that your ROLO Certificate is valid for a 2 year window for card application purposes, apply for your LISS CSCS card within 2 years from date of completion (earliest date of *above).

If applying for a green labourer card, you do not need to provide any other documentation.  For higher skilled and academic cards, you will also need copies of relevant certification or educational achievements to upload in the application process.

ROLO Online Training Course

Name:              ROLO Health, Safety and Environmental Certificate

Platform:         ZOOM

Duration:         6+ hrs

Includes:         Delivery, Assessment, Certification

Assessment:   Multiple choice - 35 question quiz

Cost:                  £120

Note:                Card application still required through BALI

Tech:                Camera and microphone enabled device.

ROLO Online Bookings

Our available dates are displayed in the course booking page 

Course Registration

Once you have booked a place on a course, there is a need to register on the BALI ROLO Online Course Registration Page.  This will pre-register you on the platform and is required to complete the Assessment or Quiz on the day of training.

You will need to: 

  1. Create a new account
  2. Give yourself a username
  3. Create yourself a password
  4. Enter a unique email address for yourself and confirm it
  5. Enter your First name in full
  6. Enter your surname
  7. The location section is not essential
  8. Finally "Create your new account"

At the end of our ZOOM course delivery, you are required to access your account to complete the assessment.  


At the end of our ZOOM course delivery, you are required to access your account to complete the assessment.  There is a 30 minute time-frame and you will need to achieve a 75% pass mark.  There are 35 questions to answer.  

Additional support can be agreed before the assessment.  We can discuss reasonable adjustments to assist you with you assessment.

The assessment is monitored via ZOOM for the duration under exam conditions.  Needless to say, your camera and sound are a must.  You will need a quiet environment so as not to distract others during the assessment process.

You will know if you have achieved a "pass" at the end of the assessment.  We then apply for your ROLO certificate through the BALI admin team and certificates are usually sent to us within 72 hrs.  If you have an urgent need for certificates, for example, to apply for an urgent card, you need to contact us to see how we can speed up the process.

ROLO Certificates

Certificates are sent to the email used when the booking was made.  The ROLO certificates are sent out in PDF form and usually take about a week.

Other than by arrangement, you will need to have paid for your certificate before it is released to you

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